Romance & Cigarettes Etats-Unis 2005 – 106min.

Cineman Movie Charts

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  • chef-d'oeuvre
  • bon
  • moyen
  • passable
  • consternant












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il y a 13 ans

assez amateurs dens l'ensemble


il y a 15 ans

Pas mal, mais pas top non plus. Disons que c'est un de ces films qu'on est content d'avoir vu, mais pas un qu'on irait revoir.


il y a 17 ans

At first glance a kitchy little film with BIG names in all the roles. Done by Turturo and produced by the Coen brothers. What gives? Well perhaps they all just got together for a party and it's just one big improv scene. Pretty damn good improv with singing and dancing to boot. Or it's actually a film on several levels. Big references to West Side Story--and the protagonists are actually about the right age to have done WSS back then. Many other references: Hairspray, Elvis, etc etc. It's also a film about war: war between countries, war between the sexes, and the wars we wage on ourselves. Somewhat disjointed perhaps. Some will love it: others will hate it. Take the time to look beyond the the songs and the kitsch and enjoy it. It's good to see Kate Winslet in the 'voluptuous woman' part, and leave the anorexics (i.e. Mary Louise Parker) to the oddnick roles. She's joining Scarlett Johansson in what we can hope is the new definition of a gorgeous woman. Just unfortunate she has to have such a dirty mouth.Voir plus


il y a 17 ans

Ce film se veut probablement poétique, original, drôle et déjanté. Il est surtout terriblement creux et ennuyeux. John Turturro est un acteur formidable, mais en tant que réalisateur il n'a malheureusement - pour l'instant - rien à dire. C'est souvent vulgaire et le côté comédie-musicale n'est pas du tout maîtrisé. Un ratage inutile, malgré la présence de bons acteurs (en particulier Kate Winslet).Voir plus
