
Hollywood's terror blogger

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Feared by all, Nikki Finke puts a tremor into Hollywood.

Hollywood's terror blogger

The former Moscow correspondent for the Associated Press launched her blog Deadline Hollywood Daily in 2006. Since then, every day, Nikki Finke files tidbits and scoops on Hollywood's power people, and she has no qualms about sending hefty criticism their way. Imdb, the cinematic information bible, the management of William Morris, and the president of NBC have all been in her crosshairs recently.

The former head of Paramount Film, John Lesher, is the best example. After he was fired, he stated «Nikki Finke knew about it before I did.» And had announced it on her blog.

Feared by heavies in the movie industry, in the last three years Finke has developed into one of the best and most enlightening sources in the business, while illustrating how anyone with a computer can fire upon the injustices of and spark upheaval in this billion dollar industry.

Staying clear of parties and movie premieres while refusing to cuddle up to the stars, Finke sticks close to home, in front of her computer, light years away from the starlets and agents networking in Hollywood. There is only one photo of her from 2006 in the Internet. As the New York Times accurately puts it, «her presence in Hollywood is spectral». Finke herself clarifies: «I just don't go out to industry events, in part because it puts my sources in an awkward situation,» adding that «the other thing about going out with these people is that when it's time to cover something involving them, they say, 'But, Nikki, we're friends'. I don't want those kind of friends.»

Hollywood will have to behave from now on.

17 juillet 2009

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