
Nicolas Cage: Just say «no»

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

In a recent interview, Nicolas Cage explained why he turned down the role of «The Wrestler», which seriously recharged Mickey Rourke's sagging career.

Nicolas Cage: Just say «no»

Addressing rumors that claimed he had been fired from the movie, Nicolas Cage stated: «I wasn't quote dropped from the movie. I resigned from the movie because I didn't think I had enough time to achieve the look of the wrestler who was on steroids, which I would never do.»

While Mickey Rourke blundered prior to the Oscars in confessing that he did indeed take steroids, Cage's declaration has a air of justification about it, explaining a dubious artistic choice.

Had he stayed on the project, the superstar would have had the chance to re-polish his image and appear in a good movie, after the series of trashy flicks he made in the last decade: «Bangkok Dangerous», «Next», «Ghost Rider», «Captain Corelli's Mandolin», «Gone in 60 Seconds», «National Treasure», etc. To make things worse, Cage also managed to turned down starring roles in movies like «The Matrix» and «Lord of the Rings»...

18 mars 2009

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