La famille Bélier Belgium, France 2014 – 105min.

Movie Rating

La famille Bélier

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

Paula Bélier is not your typical 16-year-old teenager. The only hearing person in her family, she helps her wonderfully eccentric parents and her little brother communicate with the outside world. Her life takes on a new dimension when she and her best friend decide to join the school choir. The music teacher quickly realizes she has an amazing voice and prepares her for a contest at Radio France in Paris. Paula now has a dream that is far from her life with her parents…

Mais qui a tué Pamela Rose ?, Un ticket pour l'espace, Prête-moi ta main: Eric Lartigau’s films are proof of his expertise in popular feel-good movies, somewhere between obvious humor and three-hanky sentimentality. In this regard, La Famille Bélier is without a doubt his most successful project, in line with Prête-moi ta main: perfectly directly, paced and played, this almost musical comedy has a very rare charm. Much of the credit goes to François Damiens, Karin Viard and Eric Elmosnino, an excellent trio surrounding newcomer Louane Emera, discovered in TV talent show that she almost won. Armed with a voice that is more poised that her acting skills – which seem still to be in training – she brings a vigor and irresistible innocence to La Famille Bélier. Sure to be a box office success.



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