10 Cloverfield Lane USA 2016 – 103min.

Movie Rating

10 Cloverfield Lane

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

After a car accident, Michelle wakes up in a mysterious room, tied up. There she meets Howard, a strange man who says he saved her life by bringing her to his bunker: the country has been attacked by an enemy that used chemical warfare, which has contaminated the air and Howard’s bunker is the only way they can protect themselves. Convinced that Howard hiding something, Michelle tries to escape to find out the truth...

The title makes it clear: 10 Cloverfield Lane was at least somewhat inspired by Matt ReevesCloverfield, in which aliens spectacularly attack New York. Coming out of nowhere, its existence announced just a few weeks before its release, Dan Trachtenberg’s movie would be better off not linking itself to that film (which is above all a marketing ploy) to maintain its mystery. But no matter: this false sequel to Cloverfield is an excellent, well-structured B movie, which embraces its own illogical plot for 1:45 of pure suspense. With an absolutely perfect trio of actors (John Goodman has seldom been more amazing), the movie is completely entertaining from the first to the last minute. The perfect movie for lovers of the genre and recommendable to all others.



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