Manipulation Germany, Switzerland 2011 – 91min.

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Swiss political thriller starring Klaus Maria Brandauer about the dark machinations of the defense department in the 1950's.

When the 1956 Hungarian revolution against the communist dictatorship is brutally suppressed by Soviet troops, the hunt for "subversive" communists in the West begins, with the hysteria reaching new heights in Switzerland. The federal council and the army secretly begin to stock up on weapons for a nuclear war, with no holds barred.

Based on Walter Matthias Diggelmann's novel "Das Verhör des Harry Wind", in turn based on his work for Switzerland's first propaganda agency. This agency was run by Rudolf Farner, who met Senator Joseph McCarthy in the US and was impressed by his methods. Set in a dark Kafkaesque world, the movie is more reminiscent of US thrillers than anything really Swiss.



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