
Harry Potter fan commits suicide

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

After finding out about and important detail in the latest «Harry Potter» movie, a fan of the popular wizard commits suicide.

Harry Potter fan commits suicide

In a shopping center in Hudson, Ohio, 32-year-old Jude Ralston involuntarily heard two people discussing a movie they had just seen: «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince».

Suddenly informed about key plot spoilers, he saw his world collapse and went home to kill himself, leaving a note that stated he saw no point to living anymore.

The reason for Ralston's distress: he had made every effort not to find out anything about the latest Potter installment, even going as far as to stop going into his favorite comic book store and cutting off his Internet connection. In vain.

According to a childhood friend, Ralston lived only for J.K. Rowling's saga. His vanity plates said «Hogwarts» and he often wore a wizard's hat around town.

The same friend told The Huffington Post she hopes that federal authorities will limit the amount of plot information allowed to be leaked about future Harry Potter movies, to avoid this kind of tragedy form happening again.

One imagines the FBI has other priorities...

24. Juli 2009

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