
Schindler's list found

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The original list of Oskar Schindler has been found Oskar Schindler in a Sydney library.

Schindler's list found

Priceless in value, the document consists of 13 yellowed pages written on April 18, 1945, containing the names of 801 Jews.

The list was found stuck between notes and old German newspapers formerly belonging to Australian author Thomas Keneally. The writer had received the document 30 years ago from Loepold Pfefferberg, one of the 801 former prisoners who owed their lives to Oskar Schindler. Pfefferberg had inspired Keneally to write a book about Schindler.

Adapted from Keneally's book «Schindler's Ark», Steven Spielberg's 1992 movie «Schindler's list» was a critical and financial success around the world. It is regularly cited as one of the best movies in modern cinematic history.

7. April 2009

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